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Pyrotorque Tutorial

Currently the existing pyrotorque documentation ranges from vague to very detailed. This will hopefully provide a more pleasant introduction to the tool. For this tutorial, we're going to focus on a few basic use cases:

  • Load torrent files from /var/rtorrent/watch/ without starting them
  • Use QueueManager to start torrents in a controlled manner
  • Move the data of completed torrents to /var/rtorrent/done/

All the configuration provided below should be placed under the [TORQUE] section in ~/.config/pyrosimple/config.toml. The full configuration is provided at the end for reference.

Load torrents

To start with, we'll use the TreeWatch class to load torrents. This is very similar to the native command, but has several advantages, such as being able to pick up missing torrents.

The following configuration allows us to load all torrents under /var/rtorrent/watch/ and any of its subdirectories. The torrents are loaded without being started, and every 15 minutes (as per schedule) the directory is checked for any torrents that haven't been loaded (in case they were added while pyrotorque or rTorrent wasn't running). It also executes two user-defined commands via cmd_custom_fields to set the loaded_by and tracker_alias fields. Finally, cmd_download_directory sets the target directory to /var/rtorrent/downloading/.

handler = ""
schedule = "minute=*/15"
check_unhandled = true
path = "/var/rtorrent/watch/"
started = false
cmd_set_custom_fields = """
cmd_download_directory = ""

Start torrents

Next we'll have pyrotorque start the loaded torrents in an orderly fashion. This configuration tells pyrotorque to start torrents one at at time every 5 minutes, up to a maximum of 20. However, the maximum of 20 is deciding by only considering torrents that are actively downloading data, so that the queue doesn't get stuck on dead torrents. The matcher value below is set to only start torrents which have the loaded_by custom field set to pyrotorque (among other filters), so that it doesn't interfere with other programs (e.g. Radarr). It will also use sort_fields so that higher priority torrents are started first.

handler         = "pyrocore.job.queue:QueueManager"
schedule        = "minute=*/5"
matcher         = "custom_loaded_by=pyrotorque is_ignored=no prio>0"
sort_fields     = "-prio,loaded,name"
start_at_once   = 1
downloading     = "is_active=yes is_complete=no down>0"
downloading_max = 20

Move torrents

Every 10 minutes, this job will check for finished torrents and move them. Ignored torrents and any actively transferring data are filtered out.

handler       = "pyrosimple.job.move_path:PathMover"
schedule      = "minute=*/10"
matcher       = "is_ignored=no is_complete=yes path=/var/rtorrent/downloading/* xfer=0"
target        = "/var/rtorrent/done"

Full config.toml

handler = ""
schedule = "minute=*/15"
check_unhandled = true
path = "/var/rtorrent/watch/"
started = false
cmd_set_custom_fields = """
cmd_download_directory = ""
handler         = "pyrocore.job.queue:QueueManager"
schedule        = "minute=*/5"
matcher         = "custom_loaded_by=pyrotorque is_ignored=no prio>0"
sort_fields     = "-prio,loaded,name"
start_at_once   = 1
downloading     = "is_active=yes is_complete=no down>0"
downloading_max = 20
handler       = "pyrosimple.job.move_path:PathMover"
schedule      = "minute=*/10"
matcher       = "is_ignored=no is_complete=yes path=/var/rtorrent/downloading/* xfer=0"
target        = "/var/rtorrent/done"