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Migrating from pyroscope


  • The configuration file is located in a new location by default (~/.config/pyrosimple/config.toml), and uses a new format. Although the names have remained mostly the same, it is recommended to manually copy settings over to the new format. See the configuration guide for more information.

Common CLI options

  • Logging has been overhauled. --cron is now an alias for --quiet. All logging goes to stderr.
  • --config-dir and --config-file have been removed. Set the PYRO_CONF environment variable use a non-default config file.
  • -D has been removed. Use an environment variable to override specific parts of the configuration instead.
    # Old
    rtcontrol -D rtorrent_rc=/etc/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc //
    # New
    PYRO_RTORRENT_RC=/etc/rtorrent/rtorrent.rc rtcontrol //


  • -x, --xml, -r, --repr for XML output is no longer available. See --output <format> for the new options.
  • REPL mode no longer triggers automatically with 0 arguments. To enter it, use the --repl flag.


pyroadmin has been completely rebuilt. See pyroadmin --help for available utilities.


  • Multiple actions flags are allowed, and the order in which they are specified is the order in which they are executed. Previously, only some combinations were allowed, and order did not matter. See rtcontrol --help for the list of flags which are considered "actions".
    # Old
    rtcontrol // --stop && \
    rtcontrol // --custom foo=bar --flush && \
    rtcontrol // --custom baz=hkk --flush && \
    rtcontrol // --start
    # New
    rtcontrol // --stop --custom foo=bar --custom baz=hkk --flush --start
  • The --anneal flag has been removed. Use core Linux utilities (e.g. sort and uniq) instead.
  • Matching an empty string with a blank value (e.g. message=) will no longer work as expected. Use an empty quoted string instead:
    # Old
    rtcontrol message=
    rtcontrol custom_1=\!
    # New
    rtcontrol message=\"\"
    rtcontrol custom_1\!=\"\"
    rtcontrol 'custom_1!=""' # The entire filter can also be single quoted
  • String matching is now case-sensitive by default. To use case-insensitive matching, use a regex with the i flag, e.g. name=/UbUnTu.*/i
  • Relative times (e.g. 2d3m) are now case-sensitive.


  • Tempita has been replaced with Jinja2. The syntax is similar but not equivalent.
    # Old
    rtcontrol // -o '{{ if d.is_multi_file }}Multi-file path: {{ else }}Single file: {{ endif }}{{}}'
    # New
    rtcontrol // -o '{% if d.is_multi_file %}Multi-file path: {% else %}Single file: {% endif %}{{}}'
  • The string interpolation format style has been removed. Use the Jinja2 template instead.
    # Old
    rtcontrol // -o '%( %(name)s'
    # New
    rtcontrol // -o '{{item.size|sz}} {{}}'


  • All commands now use the full name. As such, the : signifier no longer has any effect.
    # Old
    rtcontrol // --exec "directory.set={{}}/{{item.custom_target_folder}}"
    rtcontrol --exec "" loaded=-10i done=100
    # New
    rtcontrol // --exec "{{}}/{{item.custom_target_folder}}"
    rtcontrol --exec "" loaded=-10i done=100


  • All job handlers (the handler = setting in config.toml) have been moved under the pyrosimple.job submodule. Specifically:
    • -> pyrosimple.job.queue:QueueManager
    • ->
    • -> pyrosimple.job.metrics:EngineStats
  • TreeWatch: The queued setting no longer has any effect. Use the following configuration to achieve the same effect if desired:
    handler = ""
    # ...other settings...
    cmd_queue = "d.priority.set=0"


  • The --no-ssl flag has been removed. Manually specifying a non-SSL announce still works as expected.


  • This command has been removed. Use lstor --check-data <path> instead.


  • This command has been removed. See this discussion for more information, and a way to run the legacy conversion of the command. Use rtcontrol with the --symlink flag instead.