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Experimental Features

Query optimization


rTorrent must support the d.multicall.filtered method, which requires vanilla version 0.9.8+, or rTorrent-PS 1.1+.

If your rTorrent supports d.multicall.filtered, rtcontrol can take advantage of it to return results faster. The option is controlled by the -Q flag in rtcontrol, or fast_query in the configuration file.

Level 1 is less aggressive and safe by definition (i.e. produces correct results in all cases, unless there's a bug), while -Q2 is highly experimental and in some circumstances likely produces results that are too small or empty.

Optimization works by giving a pre-filter condition to rTorrent, to reduce the overhead involved in sending items over XMLRPC and processing them, only to be then discarded in the rtcontrol filter machinery.

This goal of reducing the number of items sent to rtcontrol is best achieved if you put a highly selective condition first in a series of conditions. For cron-type jobs, this can often be achieved by looking at recent items only – older items should already be processed by previous runs. Even a very lenient window like “last week” drastically reduces items that need to be processed.

$ rtcontrol loaded=-6w is_ignored=0 -o- -v -Q0
DEBUG:pyrosimple.util.rpc:method 'd.multicall2', params ('', 'default', 'd.custom=tm_loaded', 'd.hash=', 'd.ignore_commands=', '')
DEBUG:pyrosimple.torrent.rtorrent.RtorrentEngine:Got 23771 items with 4 attributes from 'localhost:415' [<xmlrpc.client._Method object at 0x7ff59c348d30>]
DEBUG:pyrosimple.util.rpc:method 'view.size', params ('', 'default')
INFO:pyrosimple.scripts.rtcontrol.RtorrentControl:Filtered 627 out of 23771 torrents.
DEBUG:pyrosimple.scripts.rtcontrol.RtorrentControl:RPC stats: <RTorrentProxy via json for scgi://localhost:7000?rpc=json>
INFO:pyrosimple.scripts.rtcontrol.RtorrentControl:Total time: 1.404 seconds.
$ rtcontrol loaded=-6w is_ignored=0 -o- -v -Q1
INFO:pyrosimple.torrent.rtorrent.RtorrentEngine:!!! pre-filter: greater=value=$d.custom=tm_loaded,value=1652724506
DEBUG:pyrosimple.util.rpc:method 'd.multicall.filtered', params ('', 'default', 'greater=value=$d.custom=tm_loaded,value=1652724506', 'd.custom=tm_loaded', 'd.hash=', 'd.ignore_commands=', '')
DEBUG:pyrosimple.torrent.rtorrent.RtorrentEngine:Got 636 items with 4 attributes from 'localhost:415' [<xmlrpc.client._Method object at 0x7f7f03428dc0>]
DEBUG:pyrosimple.util.rpc:method 'view.size', params ('', 'default')
INFO:pyrosimple.scripts.rtcontrol.RtorrentControl:Filtered 627 out of 23771 torrents.
DEBUG:pyrosimple.scripts.rtcontrol.RtorrentControl:RPC stats: <RTorrentProxy via json for scgi://localhost:7000?rpc=json>
INFO:pyrosimple.scripts.rtcontrol.RtorrentControl:Total time: 0.672 seconds.

Connecting to multiple clients


This can cause strange behavior unless planned out. For instance, hashes are no longer enough to uniquely identify a torrent.

rtxmlrpc and rtcontrol support talking to multiple clients, by specifying a TOML list in the CONNECTIONS section:

rtxmlrpc -U all system.hostname

Connecting over SSH


socat is required to be installed on the remote server for this functionality. SSH authentication must also happen without any prompts, (i.e. through authorized_keys or a SSH agent that holds your password)

# Via port
rtxmlrpc -U scgi+ssh:// system.hostname
# Via domain socket
rtxmlrpc -U scgi+ssh:// system.hostname

Since each command opens a new SSH connection, setting up the ControlPersist feature in ~/.ssh/config is highly recommended.


Host *
  ControlMaster auto
  ControlPath ~/.ssh/sockets/%r@%h-%p
  ControlPersist 600



Currently JSON-RPC is only supported by jesec-rtorrent: Pyrosimple supports this fork, but it is not maintained by the official rTorrent author (rakshasa).

JSON-RPC is an light-weight RPC mechanism that is a nearly drop-in replaceable for XMLRPC, while having a much smaller message size and being faster to parse/produce.

Pyrosimple handles converting commands between JSON and XML automatically, so enabling JSON-RPC for a given host is as simple as appending ?rpc=json to the URL.

socket_json_host = "scgi://localhost:9988?rpc=json"
http_json_host = "http://localhost:8080/RPC2?rpc=json"

Note that there are some minor differences between command names between jesec-rtorrent and vanilla. rtcontrol will attempt to handle them automatically, while rtxmlrpc will not.


There is only one main limitation to the current JSON-RPC implementation: it cannot handle binary data types, which primarily effects the load.*.raw commands. jesec-rtorrent has made it so that the non-raw load.* commands can now accept base64-style URLs, which is intended to be a replacement.

rtxmlrpc load.raw_verbose '' <base64 data>
# jesec-rtorrent's JSON-RPC
rtxmlrpc load.verbose '' data:base64,<base64 data>